Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Media Juggernaut...

Another drawback to Brokeback Mountain releasing. Publicity.

This was supposed to be a small, independent film. If you're read the novella, you can't imagine it any other way. But you can effectively throw that out the window now.

Given its A list backing, this film is getting some major column space, and sound bytes are swarming all over the place. I am not pleased. While I was initially glad for any info at all on this film, but as worldwide release gets closer, some rather unsavoury things have begun to happen. But perhaps the thing that infuriates me the most (and judging from the blogs I've been following, other BBM heads too) are the cast interviews. There have been a slew of interviews popping up all over the place that are alienating the old time fans of BBM. While I am hardly an old time fan, I totally agree with them on this. The madness has to stop.

I will not link to these interviews. Suffice it to say, that their foot-in-mouth comments make Paris Hilton look like a freakin' genius.

As one commentator said, "...if I have to hear one more mention of 'their bravery' and all that crap I will have to turn my attention to something else. One more article on Jake 'AmBIguos' Gyllenhaal taking one for the Gipper..."

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