Monday, February 06, 2006

Photo-op: My Private plague

Locust on my phone antenna.

What next, frogs from the sky?


Aditya Saraogi said...

Misra ji,

Heard of ? May be you can start posting your images there as well....They have this factor called "interestingness". Locust on Antenna, hmm Very Interesting...Is it receiving coded messages from the supposedly Worldspace Satellite. Boy they mean when they say "Music and more"!
Great pictures....will be putting mine soon

Rohan said...

Actually, these pics are hosted on flick. I've got about 80 pics on flickr at this point... I'll announce it as soon as I finish commenting them all.

Aditya Saraogi said...

cant seem to find you on the Flickr network. What is your id there ? I would assume you are using your yahoo mail id...
One thing is for sure, i shall be putting some images as well..

question : was the locust startled by the flash ?

Rohan said...

Like I said, I'll let you know as soon as I finish commenting the pics.

The locust was not startled by the flash, as far as I could tell. If there was any lasting emotional damage, I don't know about it.